
Definitions related to Bylaws, Policies, Board Approved Regulations, Administrative Procedures
Bylaws are legally enforceable resolutions of the Board. Some specific powers of the Board are expressly required to be exercised by bylaw. They are subject to the provisions of the School Act, Sections 85(4) and 87.
Policies are statements of principle adopted by the Board to chart a course of action. They are broad statements of intent which describe intended outcomes; providing latitude for administrative action, and clarity to give guidance and understanding.
Board Approved Regulations are directions, usually developed by the administration, to put policy into practice. Regulations tell how, by whom, and when things are to be done. The Board formally approves a regulation when the regulation requires Board action to be legal or enforceable, or if the topic is deemed to have special importance.
Administrative Procedures are concerned with the mechanics or details for the implementation of the policy. The development is left to the administration. The Board does not specify their content, nor considers them for formal approval.