Copy of Kindergarten

If you have not already done so, the first step to starting school is registration.  Kindergarten registration typically starts the last week of January each year, and is online only. 
You'll need one of the following: your child's birth certificate, passport, immigration Canada document, certificate or citizenship or Permanent Resident card and a document that provides proof of residency. 
You can register here.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Gradual EntryA gradual entry system is scheduled to help new Kindergarten students feel comfortable and confident in their new classroom.  Gradual entry begins with an opportunity for parents/guardians and children to meet and talk with the kindergarten teacher(s) followed by gradual periods of time for the children to attend that are built upon over the first days of Kindergarten.
Children begin coming to school in small groups.  This allows them to become familiar with their new school environment, classroom, school staff, and new friends.  Children come in small groups for partial days, gradually increasing the length of time each day in the classroom.  The first full day of kindergarten is the Wednesday of the second week of school.
Where needed, the entry routine may be adjusted depending on the needs of the individual child. For example, some children may need a shortened day for the first part of the school year.
Starting Kindergarten is a big adventure for you and your child!
We invite you to click on a school below and use this guide to begin your child's journey to school.
If you are not sure what your catchment school is, take a look here.
Castlegar Primary 
Fruitvale Elementary
Glenmerry Elementary
JL Webster Elementary
Kinnaird Elementary
Robson Community School
Rossland Summit School
  • Morning routines: changing shoes, hanging up their coat, beginning morning circle or soft start activities such as a morning table.Kindie 2
  • Play based literacy and numeracy activities.
  • Whole group songs, stories, poems, and dances.
  • Choice time / centres.
  • Outdoor play and learning experiences.
  • Snack and lunch
  • Whole class inquiries for science and social studies activities.
  • Quiet time activities after lunch.
  • Going to the library.
  • Going to music and gym.
January to June
Kindie 1
January to May
  • Attend Ready, Set, Learn events
  • Attend Welcome to Kindergarten Events as invited.
  • Family time - rest, relaxation and fun
  • Talk about starting Kindergarten, highlight the positives
  • Find everyday moments to practice routines such as putting on indoor shoes, using lunch kits and toileting.
  • Kindergarten gradual entry
While most children are ready to start school in the year they turn 5,
parents/guardians of children in BC may defer the enrollment of their
child until the first school day of the next school year. 
Kindie 3
For this next school year, parents may choose to register their child in
either Kindergarten or Grade One.  
If you are considering the delay of school enrollment for your five-year old, we request you contact T. Gallo, Director of Instruction at 250.368.6434, or contact your child's catchment area school Principal.
School staff highly value the information that you give us about your child.
Please reach out to the school to share information that may help your child transition smoothly.
This could include any involvement with outside services, what language is spoken at home, unique family dynamics and/or if your child has some diverse abilities.  All this information helps a school team best plan for your child.
Girl           Boy